Columbia University Physics Lecture Demonstrations

Fluid Mechanics
Oscillation and Waves
Electricity and Magnetism
Modern Physics

3B50.22 Double Source Sound Interference

[Setup Time: 25 Min.] [Current Condition: Good]


Two identical speakers are connected to an amplifier and a function generator. As students move around the room they clearly hear loud and soft spots as they walk along a row or move up and down. Measurements of distance can be made to determine the speed of sound.

[Note: This has only been tested in Rooms 428 and 329; it should also work in 301].

Setup Instructions

1. Connect the function generator to the amplifier with the appropriate cord.

2. Wind the similar wires from each speaker around one another and connect them to the amplifier with the appropriate cord.

3. After making sure that the amplifer is turned off, turn on the function generator and create a sine wave signal of about 400Hz. Turn up the amplitude to half power.

4. Finally, turn on the amplifier and increase the volume until the sound is quite, but not painfully, loud.

Parts List

Identical Speakers in L. Misc

Amplifier in L. Misc

Function Generator in L. Misc

Wires to connect to Amplifier in L. Misc

Relevant Simulation


Other Information

Interference Between Two Speakers

Real-Life Examples


More Advanced Reading